Good Heart

7 Jun

Hidan: Do not click “more” dammit.

Yakitoki: Watch your words, mind you.

Hidan: But why the fuck must I be in a garden, makin’ out with a stranger?!

Yakitoki: The stranger here is you, Hidan and it lightens the mood of your personality to the reader

Hidan: Don’t you dare click that!

Yakitoki: If you love Hidan, then click it. If you don’t, make him suffer by clicking it!

Hidan: @%#&!@(#



Name: Kanako Satoshi

Love Interest: Hidan

Best Friends: Itachi and Zetsu

Personality: You are silent but strong whenever missions come along. You like flowers and the tattoos on your arm represent the kind of things you believe in. But sometimes when someone gets in the way, you tend to get really mad. (but not as much as Hidan)

~What they think of you~

Pein: Well, she’s quiet but really strong. Perfect to join the Akatsuki!

Hidan: She can make me swear less. And she respects what I believe. That’s the reason why I like her.

Sasori: Hmm…She always carries a flower with her everywhere…

Tobi: She scares me but Tobi forgets Tobi’s fear when she gives me flowers! YAY!

Kisame: She likes to eat sushi for crying out loud!

Deidara: I wanna see what kind of flowers she brings so I can make them into clay, then Zetsu will stop bothering me.

Itachi: She seems kinda nice… (but you don’t see it) but I never talked to her yet (not that I can) *grumble* stupid Hidan…

Zetsu: I wish I got her first…*sigh*

~How you met Hidan~

Just as usual, you were at a isolated garden filled with different kinds of flowers. You smiled like you never smiled before when you saw this pretty sight. The roses were your favorite. You gave in a short giggle until you heard a voice.

“Who the hell would want shit like this…” The voice disrespectfully grumbled.

You looked around until you saw a boy with silver hair and violet eyes just like yours.

“Well, excuse me. But this ‘shit’ you just called were the flowers I planted.” You angrily replied.

“Hmph. Annoying brat.” He thought. Then there was a long silence.

You didn’t feel like talking because of what he said. “Why do you like things like these?” He finally broke the silence between them. Then more silence came. So, you closed your eyes.

“Sigh…If that’s how you want it, fine then.” Hidan said as he was about to turn his back and leave.

“Because…” You softly said but loud enough to hear. He stopped but looked at the opposite way, silent.

“They’re…they’re…” You murmured finding the right words. There was more silence but Hidan patiently waited.

“They’re…the only friends I have, that I can talk to…” You replied, giving in a tone that you were thankful that he waited for you.

“You mean that you spend the whole time here, with the flowers?” Hidan said as he went towards you and sat down beside you on the bed of flowers. You blushed at this act but at least he wasn’t mad at you as you weren’t mad at him.

“Hah. You can say that…” You chuckled as you handed him a flower.

“Nani? What’s this for?” He asked as he took the flower and examined it.

“I…want you to keep it…so…” You replied blushing.

“So….what?” He replied raising an eyebrow, waiting for her answer

“So…you can have someone to talk too when you feel sad.” You finally smiled at him. Hidan blushed.

He had been sad and miserable all his life and this was the first time that someone took notice of that.

“But…I already have someone to talk too about my life.” He said as he placed the flower down, looking at you, feeling appreciative of what you did.

“Huh? Who?” You asked feeling really clueless. The he gave you a slight kiss on your cheek. “You.” He smiled. You blushed dark red as he said that remark.

“R-really…?” But he ignored your reply.

“The name is Hidan.” He smirked, almost forgetting the proper introduction.

“Ah! A-Ano…______…” You replied nervously, also forgetting too.

“I wasn’t interested in my surroundings before whenever I worship the Jashin. But…now, do you mind if I could also visit you and worship the Jashin here too? It’s really beautiful here…” He asked curiously.

You realized that he really wants to be with you. So, due to him kissing you on the cheek, you smiled and held his hand and nodded happily.

“Great! Then I’ll see you then.” He replied.

You were disappointed when he stood up about to leave. But when you closed your eyes again, you felt lips pressed against yours. You kissed back. As Hidan broke the kiss, you opened your eyes.

“Told you I’d see you.” He joked. “But anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” You nodded happily.

“Okay, see you then…” He replied as his voice faded away. ______-chan…

5 Responses to “Good Heart”

  1. sue June 8, 2009 at 8:05 am #

    Interesting article!

  2. Cammi January 27, 2010 at 9:32 pm #

    I love this FanFiction. And this website is not half bad. I’m making a site very similar to this.

    • rukama April 4, 2010 at 6:12 am #

      really? thanks! Glad you like it. Oh, I wish the best for your future site. 🙂

      • Cammi April 9, 2010 at 1:28 am #

        Thanks. :3

      • rukama April 12, 2010 at 1:52 pm #

        hahaha! Why don’t you post it here? I can help advertise it if you like. 😀 So sorry for the super late reply. >.< xD

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